Precise type inference
in Scala 3

Presentation [HTML|PDF], Report [HTML|PDF]


July 7, 2022

What precise types?


Singletons are widened.

val v1 /*: Int*/ = 3 /*: 3*/
val v2 /*: Int*/ = v1 /*: v1.type*/


If-then-else are typed with unions types, which are then widened.

val v3 /*: Int*/ = if c then 1 else 2 /*: 1 | 2*/

Match types

By default, the result type of a match is the LUB of the result types of the cases

val v4 /*: Boolean */ = x match
  case _: String => true
  case _ => false

But we can also type it as the matching match type if we write it explicitly:

type IsString[T <: Any] = T match {
  case String => true
  case _ => false }
val v5: IsString[x.type] = x match
  case _: String => true
  case _ => false

Type-level operations

val v6: Int = 42
val v7: Int = v6 + 2
val v8: v6.type + 2 = v6 + 2 // error


class Foo(val x: Int)
val v9: Foo = Foo(1984)
val v10: Foo {val x: 1984} = Foo(1984) // error

See Refine types according to their constructor val’s singleton types #1262

Motivating example

def vec(s: Int) = Vec(s).asInstanceOf[Vec {val size: s.type }]
def add(a: Int, b: Int) = (a + b).asInstanceOf[a.type + b.type]

case class Vec(size: Int):
  def sum(that: Vec {val size: Vec.this.size.type}) = vec(size)
  def concat(that: Vec) = vec(add(size, that.size))

val v11: Vec {val size: 13} = vec(6).concat(vec(7)).sum(vec(13))

Why not always infer them?

Subtyping will save us?

Thanks to subtyping, we should always be able to replace a type by a more precise type (cf. a subtype). Right?

def f1(foo: Foo) = true
val v12 = Foo(1984)
def f2[T](a: T, b: T) = true
f2(Foo(451), Foo(1984))

Overloads resolution

Precising types can break previously working overloads resolution.

def f4(x: Int) = "C"
def f4(x: String | 1 | 2) = "D"
val cond = false
val y = if cond then 1 else 2
val preciseY: 1 | 2 = if cond then 1 else 2
println(f4(preciseY)) // error: ambiguous overload

General problematic setup: let f be a function with two overloads respectively taking two unrelated types C and D as arguments, let y be a variable that can be typed either as C or C & D, consider f(y).

Other considerations

  • Usability: types that would just duplicate expressions are generally not useful to help programmers to think.
  • Performance: bigger types take more time to process.

Why not just fit expected result types?

Code duplication

See tf-dotty example.

Not trivial to implement

When normalization is introduced, we cannot simply fit the structure of the expected type the the right hand-side:

val v13: v6.type = (v6 + 1) - 1

Precise mode

dependent values and functions

Proposition: type everything precisely when a value or a function is annotated with the dependent keyword.

dependent def precise() =
  val v1 = 1
  val v2 = 2 + v1
  dependent def isString(x: Any) = x match
    case _: String => true
    case _ => false
  val v3 = isString(42)
  val v4 = Foo(42)

The dependent keyword was first proposed in [1] and our implementation follows a similar but weaker semantic. In our case, dependent simply instructs the system to type the body of the function “as precisely as possible”, while in [1] it means “as precise as its implementation”.

Example with inferred types

dependent def precise() =
  val v1 /*: (v1: (1: Int))*/ = 1
  val v2 /*: (v2: (3: Int))**/ = 2 + v1
  dependent def isString(x: Any) /*: (x : Any) match {
    case String => (true : Boolean)
    case Any => (false : Boolean)
  }*/ = x match
    case _: String => true
    case _ => false
  val v3 /*: (false: Boolean) */ = isString(42)
  val v4 /*: Foo {val x = 42} */ = Foo(42)

Visibility of arguments to fields mapping

class D(val items: Seq[Int])
dependent val d /*: D {val items: List[Int]}*/ = D(List(1, 2, 3))

Can we really type D(its) as D {val items: its.type }?

class D2(its: Seq[Int]):
  val items: Seq[Int] = its.toList

Dependent case classes

dependent case class Vec3(size: Int)
val v14: Vec3 {val size: 42} = Vec3(42)

Similar to Implement Dependent Class Type #3936

Why case classes

  1. Conceptually similar to structures; it makes sense to consider arguments and fields as the same thing for case classes.
  2. Case classes cannot extend other case classes.
  3. This plays well with the syntactic sugar D(1, 2, 3).

Syntactic Sugar

dependent case class Vec4(size: Int)
val v15: Vec4(42)= Vec4(42)

Further work

Always precise and widen?

Could we follow for constructors and basic operations the same approach as for if-then-else: always infer a precise type but widen it afterward?

Distinct term-level constructs?

Why not provide different term-level constructs with precise return types?

val v16 /*: v6.type + v6.type*/ = v6 +! v6
case class E(x: Int)
val v17 /*: E {val x: 2}*/ = E.dependent(2)

Error types?

Both example work with the current prototype!

dependent def asString(x: Any) = x match
  case x: String => Some(x)
  case _ => None
val v18 /*: Nothing*/ = asString(42).get
dependent def asString2(x: Any) = x match
  case x: String => x
  case _ => throw new Error()
val v19 /*: Nothing*/ = asString2(42)

Could we also get the precise error message?

Type parameters?

class Vec5[S <: Singleton & Int](size: S)
def sum1[S <: Singleton & Int](a: Vec5[S], b: Vec5[S]) = ???
sum1(Vec5(1), Vec5(2))
class Vec6[S <: Int @Precise](size: S)
def sum2[S <: Int @Precise](a: Vec6[S], b: Vec6[S]) = ???
sum2(Vec6(1), Vec6(2))
class Vec7[S <: Int @Singleton](size: S)
def sum3[S <: Int @Singleton](a: Vec7[S], b: Vec7[S]) = ???
sum3(Vec7(1), Vec7(2)) // error

The end


  • Thanks to Sébastien Doeraene and Guillaume Martres for the discussions on program elaboration on which section “Why not always infer them?” is based.
  • Thanks to Fengyun Liu for his previous work and comments on implementing dependent classes.
  • Thanks to Martin Odersky and Viktor Kunčak for their precious feedback.


G. S. Schmid, O. Blanvillain, J. Hamza, and V. Kuncak, “Coming to terms with your choices: An existential take on dependent types,” CoRR, vol. abs/2011.07653, 2020, Available: